Though you may not have thought about them before, these five things can dramatically affect your home sale:
1. Paint colors. If your home has a lot of vibrant, bright colors, that can affect your sale. If the individual hates bright and bold colors, that’s not good. You want to make sure you have neutral colors in your house. Neutralizing this will help your home sell much more quickly.
2. Clutter. If there is too much stuff in the house, it can make rooms look a lot smaller. Your home should be staged properly.
“Your home should be staged properly.”
3. Decorations. If your home has a theme or is specifically decorated to your tastes, it may not appeal to the masses and that could hurt you. Your decor and personal items should be as neutral as possible as well.
4. Odors. Whether you have pets, dirty clothes, or something else in your home that gives off a scent, buyers will be turned off by it. You may have gone noseblind to those odors, so make sure you ask someone else to come in to identify any unpleasant odors.
5. Flexibility with showings. You want your home to be shown as much as possible. Keeping it clean and ready is important because the one buyer you deny for a showing might have been the one buyer that was going to buy your house for a great price.
Your house will still sell if you ignore these problems, but it will sell for much more money if you’re proactive about them beforehand. If you have any questions for me in the meantime, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.